The Excitement is About to Begin

For the past couple of weeks, the TV people have been trying to hype us up for the new fall television season. They are showing us previews of all the wonderful entertainment that is supposed to keep us glued to our easy chairs and breathless, while the snow is piling up in front of our garage doors. You can bet your bottom dollar that over fifty percent of these old and new shows will have the same theme…sex, shootin’, flghtin’, and chasin’ cars. Another twenty five percent will be television’s interpretation of how the rich folks live. These night time soap operas also have sex, shooting. fighting, and chasing cars, but they do it with class. Seems to me the only difference between regular folks doing these things night after night and rich folks doing these things night after night is the cost of the outfit they wear and the house they live in. The Carringtons, Ewings and Channings have designer clothes, mansions and Rolls Royces, while the people on Hell Town and Mike Hammer will have old clothes, work in the ghettos and drive beat up cars, but it always seems that the outcome is the same…sex, shootin’ fightin’ and chasin’ cars. With all this class staring back at us from the boob-toob we are supposed to think that sex and violence is not sex and violence, as long as it is accomplished in a ritzy outfit while riding in the back seat of a Rolls Royce. We are going to be treated to yet another classy night time soap opera this fall. It is a spin off from Dynasty, called “The Col-bys.” I can hardly wait, all I need is a little more class in my life. (compliments of a television producer.)

What ever happened to good old entertainment like the rootin’, tootin’, shootin westerns like we enjoyed twenty years ago? I miss Matt Dillon and Rowdy Yates. Sure, Matt and Rowdy did a lot of shootin’ and fightin and they were supposed to, it was the code of the wild west and was necessary. Maybe one reason they failed is because computerized horses hadn’t been invented yet, therefore limiting horses to just jumping over ditches instead of other horses and the Grand Canyon.

Mr M and “Clark” are the worlds greatest television fans. Mr M enjoys lying back in his easy chair and “resting his eyes” through every detective show on TV. I am convinced that he has transparent eyelids. If he didn’t, he certainly could not enjoy all the shows he watches on TV, he could never see them with his eyes closed. “Clark” likes all shows that have a lot of noise and cars jumping over every thing in sight. I have also noticed that “Clark” watches all the commercials without saying a word, then starts talking when a show is on that someone else wants to enjoy.

And Ladies, let’s not forget…football games. If we are lucky, they will expand Monday and Thursday night football to include…Tuesday, Wednesday. Friday. Saturday and Sunday night football. So instead of hubbie struggling to see through his eyelids during all the detective shows, he can “rest his eyes” during the second and third quarters of those exciting football games.

I am not a great fan of night time television. In my opinion, the only two shows worth watching are Cagney and Lacey and Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby is my kind of parent, he tells it like it is. The reason I like Cagney and Lacey is because Cagney tells it like it is too and to tell you the truth. I wouldn’t mind looking like that cop either. So instead of watching TV for the sake of sitting in front of the boob-toob with the same expression on my face as a turnip. I have another pastime…I read. I read such great mind bending literature as the Star and the Enquirer. This is my idea of educational reading material. By devoting my time to reading this great literature. I can, without watching TV, know…who JR will be cavorting around with in the months to come and whether Crystal Carrington will contract a dread disease from smootching her “Macho” leading men. Now this is entertainment. We all know that this kind of entertaining reading material is for the inquiring mind…like mine.
