Summer is Who's Piece of Cake

Summer is who’s Even though summer doesn’t officially begin until June 21st, summer seems to be in full swing around the Massey house. It has been so hectic in the past two weeks that I haven’t figured out if I am coming or going. If the pace of summer continues after the 21st like it has been in the last couple of weeks, I will have to find a nice quiet air conditioned retirement home to rest my weary middle aged bones. With “Clark” home from school and bored most of the time, my quest to become the family recreation director is on the verge of putting me away for a long well earned rest. Let me tell you what the first two weeks of summer enjoyment has brought to the Massey family.

First we have swimming and sunburn. My friend who lives in Loveland, who just hap pens to have a beautiful swimming pool in the backyard, invited “Clark” and “Old Mom” over for a day of fun in the sun. With no hesitation, we put on our swimming suits and head- ed for Loveland and the cool, cool water. While “Clark” piddled around in the pool, “Old Mom” soaked up the sun, four hours worth of sun. With four hours of sun on skin that hasn’t seen the light of day since last summer, “Old Mom”, ended up looking like a boiled lobster.

Second we have gymnastics: “Clark” decided that it would be fun to take gymnastic lessons this summer. (It would be fun until after the first lesson anyway). With all the fees paid and the first lesson behind him, his enthusiasm has waned. After he found out he couldn’t do a mid air flip like he had seen in the Olympics he commented, “Boy, gymnastics makes kindergarten seem like a piece of cake, do I have to go back?” With all the fees paid, he knew the answer to that question. So for the rest of the summer, old Mom will have to keep the car gassed up for the trips back and forth to Mary Funk’s gymnastics class, in hopes that gymnastics can become a “piece of cake” in a little boy’s mind.

Mr M and myself have enjoyed some adult recreation too. We drove to Red Rocks for the Hank Williams, Jr. concert. Having lived in Colorado since I was eight years old, I am ashamed to say that I had never been to Red Rocks. It was quite an experience. After parking the car, I asked the parking lot attendant how far we had to walk to the amphitheatre and he told me four blocks. What he failed to tell me was that it was four blocks straight up. It was the walk alone that separated the young girls from the middle aged mamas, never mind the T shirt and no bra look in comparison to the control top panty hose look. It took an hour for my knees to stop shaking from the climb, I suppose the logical explanation for this is that my legs hadn’t seen this much action in years. The view of Denver from Red Rocks was breath taking, but the music of Hank William:s Jr. was ear taking to say the least. You know you are middle aged when rock music can only be described as a bunch of loud noise.

Between all these scheduled events we have also been to a mountain cabin for a picnic, a birthday party, shopping for our Dad for Father’s Day, and to keep from looking like a lobster all summer. I have started going to a tanning salon. If this pace keeps up the rest of the summer this old Mom will be the brownest little old lady in the local rest home for middle aged parents.
